“Healthy eating doesn’t have to require a lot of prep time or too much money. Below, you’ll find
information on 4 common foods along with their nutritional facts. These 4 foods are packed full of
nutrition, and we are focusing on their cancer-fighting benefits. Additionally, each food comes with
an easy recipe for preparation.
1)BERRIES – which are often locally fresh-grown this time of year are full of antioxidants,
vitamins and minerals. Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries and Blueberries are rich in
known antioxidants like Vitamin C but also anthocyanin. Anthocyanins are water-soluble
flavonoids that have been shown in studies to slow cancer by destroying cancer cells and
possibly preventing tumors from becoming malignant. Lin, B. W. (2016). Effects of
anthocyanins on the prevention and treatment of cancer. British Journal of Pharmacology.
Of course, berries are also a good source of fiber!
A 1 cup serving size of blackberries is a healthy snack!
62 Calories, 13.8 Total Carbohydrates, 7.6 g Fiber, 7 g Sugar, 2g Protein (Livestrong.com) (USDA)
Berry nutritious nibble ideas: Yogurt Parfaits with your favorite berry! Or add your favorite berry
to a mixed green salad with a fresh lemon and honey dressing.
2) GRAPES The skin of red and purple grapes is a good source of resveratrol. Resveratrol has
both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. According to a 2022 article in WebMD,
many studies show that resveratrol has anti-tumor effects by inhibiting cancer cell growth, cell
signaling and promoting cell death. (2022, November 23). Health Benefits of Resveratrol.
WebMD. That’s a win in the fight against cancer.
1 cup serving-size Grapes
62 calories, 16 g Total Carbohydrates, Fiber 0.8g, 15 g Sugar, 0.6g Protein (USDA)
Potassium 176mg, sodium 2 mg, 6% Vitamin C DV, 1% Iron DV, 5% Vitamin B6 DV, 1%
Magnesium DV and 1% Calcium DV
Try Roasted Grapes for a fun, tasty, and fancy accompaniment to your main course!
2 cups red seedless grapes, 1 tablespoon avocado oil,1/8 tsp fine sea salt
Preheat oven to 425f, place grapes as a single layer on a baking sheet, drizzle with oil, and
gently toss to coat the grapes with oil and salt. Bake for 15-20 minutes until the grapes start to
burst, have blistered slightly, and shrunk in size. Remove from oven and let cool before serving.
3) Broccoli this veggie is part of the cruciferous family and is rich in antioxidants. 1 cup of
broccoli has as much Vitamin C as 1 orange. As an antioxidant, Vitamin C helps protect your
cells from damage, thus helping to potentially prevent cancer. Another beneficial plant
compound in broccoli is Sulforaphane. It is continually being studied but may protect against
various types of cancer. Booth, S., & Powell, A. (2024, March 28). Health Benefits of
Broccoli. WebMD.
1 cup Broccoli: 35 Calories, 2.3 g Protein, 5.6g Carbohydrates, 2.2g Fiber, 0.3g Fat, 91% Vitamin
C DV, 77% Vitamin K DV, and 15% Folate DV
Roasted broccoli is simple to make. It is great to make for a large family dinner because it is
quick and scrumptious.
Heat oven to 425F or 400F Air Fryer. Cut broccoli to your liking and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle
with sea salt and add herbs or spices. Rosemary and Thyme or Smoked Paprika add great
flavor! Cook in Oven for about 20 minutes, stirring around 10 minutes. Cooking time in air fryer
is about 12 minutes. Best when broccoli is lightly crispy.
4)Quinoa It is known as a whole grain, but is a seed. It may not be common but has gained
popularity and is easy to prepare! Quinoa is gluten-free which makes it a good food source
for those needing a gluten-free diet. There are many health benefits to quinoa due to it being
high in fiber and plant protein. In addition, it has 2 Flavonoid Compounds quercetin and
kaempferol. These compounds have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help
protect cells against damage from hazardous free radicals in the human body. Kubala, J., &
Gunnars, K. (2023, February 26). 8 Evidenced -Based Health Benefits of Quinoa.
1 Cup of Cooked Quinoa is packed full of nutrition:
222 Calories, 8 g Protein, 3.55g Fat, 39g Carboyhdratws, 5 g Fiber, 19% DV Folate, 13% DV
Vitamin B6, 8% DV Vitamin E, 39% DV Copper, 15 % DV Iron, 18% DV Zinc, 51% DV
Manganese, 28% DV Magnesium, 7% DV Potassium and 22% DV Phosphorus
Power Packed Quinoa Salad
Cook Quinoa as directed. Chop vegetables of choice in small pieces- suggest: cucumbers,
zucchini, cherry tomatoes, and fresh spinach. Whisk dressing ingredients separately: 1,,4 cup olive
oil, minced garlic = to 1 clove, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar, 1 tsp
honey, and salt and pepper to taste. Combine it all together and enjoy. This salad is good to eat
once prepared or after refrigeration.
In conclusion, making healthy food choices doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. By
incorporating nutrient-rich foods with cancer-fighting benefits into your diet and trying out simple
preparation recipes, you can take a positive step towards a healthier lifestyle.